Reclaim supports survivors of human trafficking across all of Canada who have been impacted by fraudulent or coercive debt.
Survivors of Human Trafficking are forced and coerced into borrowing money from credit lenders in their own name which is then used by traffickers for the purposes of exploitation. Through our trauma-informed approach and specialization in serving Human Trafficking survivors, Reclaim advocates with all Canadian creditors to eliminate debt incurred whilst being trafficked.
Reclaim works with financial institutions including banks, telecommunication companies, car rental companies and payday lenders to advocate for the removal of such debts.
Holistic recovery from human trafficking must also include addressing the debt incurred in their name to allow survivors to heal and move forward with their lives in a healthy and productive way.

Referral Process
Clients must be referred to Reclaim through an organization/agency and be working with an advocate who is able to support them throughout the process.
If you are an agency/advocate looking to make a referral to Reclaim for the first time please schedule an orientation meeting.
For more information about Reclaim, contact us today.